Summer or Winter

          My prompt today was about whether Summer or Winter was better. Well, the answer is Summer. No question about it. This is why. Number one, Summer is a time when kids don't have to worry about school and are free to explore and develop talents. Number two, Summer is much warmer than winter so you don't have to worry about you or your family getting sick from the cold. And number 3, when it's warm outside kids are more likely to go to the park, or on a walk, or play in the backyard and will also stay outside longer. These are some reasons why I think Summer is better than Winter.
        School teaches you many valuable things that you will use the rest of your life but it is nice to have a break every once in a while. Summer is a chance for kids to catch up on lost sleep, hang out with friends you don't see very often, and visit or spend time with relatives. Like un-stringing a bow, summer lets kids relax and let go of tension. Then by the time school comes back around kids are more or less ready to go back. This is one reason why I think Summer is better than Winter.
        I'm not gonna lie, I really hate the cold. If you were to come ask me if I wanted to play outside twice, one in Winter, one in Summer, chances are I'd say no to Winter and yes to Summer. Even if I did say yes to Winter, I would probably stay outside for a very short amount of time compared to Summer. Let's say that, unlike me, you like the cold. In order to enjoy yourself you have to put on, like fifty layers. And let's not beat around the bush, going to the bathroom when you're bundled up is a pain. In Summer you don't have to do any of that, this is yet another reason why Summer is better than Winter.
        And number tres, kids are more likely to go outside on a walk, to the park, even to the swing on the back porch, than if its so cold your nose immediately turns pink the second you walk out the door. When it's Summer you can just walk out the door, you don't have to suit up like some military professional. You don't have to go home becaus your boots are full of melting snow, or you can't feel your fingers EVER during Summer. Overall Summer is just more of a easy going, care free season for kids and adults. This is my final reason why Summer is (so, so, so, much) better than Winter.
        I'm sure by now you understand why I think Summer is better than Winter and hopefully agree.
Relaxation, warmth, and excercise, what's not to love? Thanks for your attention and time, the end. (finally!)
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